Weight Loss Maintenance Tips!

Photo on on the left 2012, right photo 2019

Photo on on the left 2012, right photo 2019

Thanks to all who donated shoes for our Soles 4 Souls shoe drive! We collected over 20 pairs of shoes and they are being shipped to people in need this week. It is so amazing when our members come together and donate for a good cause! Well done!


 The summer is almost over and I am headed back to school! I have had an amazing time writing for Terra Nova Fitness over the summer. The feedback has been so positive. It is so exciting to hear members are reading and enjoying what I write!

 I wanted to briefly talk about the idea of getting fit for the summer and what that means when the summer season is over. How do you maintain your weight loss progress and keep it going?  I have a few tips to share that work for me.

 Well, let me first say, it is difficult! I go to school (I work for an elementary school) and there are so many treats in the office and lounge. Donuts! Cookies! Chips! Treats baked by parents who are so kind and want to share something delicious. But can I eat all of it? Should I? It is so difficult to say no.  I usually take a look at the offerings in the lounge and office with a few thoughts in my mind.

My first thought is “Is this something I really enjoy or am I just hungry?”. If my answer is that I really enjoy the homemade scone, I will partake and enjoy it! If I am just eating something because it is an easy choice that is right in front of me, I avoid it. Long story short, I try to be mindful when eating at my place of work.

 Another great tip is stay hydrated with WATER. Yes, this should be obvious! But so many people do not drink enough water throughout the day. I emphasize drinking water because sugary sodas and juices are sneaky. They are packed with calories and a lot of sugar. When I started my weight loss journey my doctor told me that one coke is the equivalent of about 30 Nilla wafer cookies. I did not believe her, so I looked it up. She was right! So I decided to avoid sugary sodas altogether and that has helped tremendously.  If you really enjoy a carbonated beverage, try to find a flavored sparkling water that can be an alternative.  

 Another tip I can share is having a friend/partner or friends who you can work out with or who will meet you at the gym. Having the support of your friends is amazing and will help you get to the gym. So reach out, and make a plan to exercise with a friend. I do not think I have ever regretted planning and going on a hike with a friend. It is fantastic quality time with someone important in your life!

 My last piece of advice is to not to be too hard on yourself! Weight loss and life changes are never easy. If you have a setback and eat a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting, just try to do better tomorrow! It is easy to think “well, I ate a pint of ice cream, so my whole week is ruined, so I can just go ahead and eat whatever I feel like because I messed up”. That thinking is not beneficial! Trust me, I have been there. I just dust myself off, and tell myself that I will do better tomorrow.

 Weight loss maintenance is extremely difficult. But if you have a support system in place, and that includes the coaches at Terra Nova Fitness, it can be amazing. So keep going to the gym and taking care of yourself. You deserve it and your body will thank you if you keep up your amazing progress! I hope to see all of you at Terra Nova Fitness. Take good care!

Meredith Shannon