Fitness Habits ( VIDEO) Workshop
Our Free Annual Workshop with Dr. ken Thomas was a great success . Please see the following table of contents for what to expect. Its's a single video file but broken up into 3 parts for reference. Ideally it should be viewed and implemented in a linear order.
I have also time stamped where each topic is at in the video.
The 1 thing to remember: 10sec
British Cycling team: 1:15 min
Why changing habits is hard: 2:35 min
The Vally of disappointment: 2:50 min
Outcome versus Identity 4:27 min
The 3 layers of behavior change 5:19 min
Who is the type of person 5:52 min
Making time your alley 8:40 min
Your Trajectory is more important 9:44 min
The impact of a barely noticeable change: 10:11 min
What progress is really like. 11:30 min
Winning a game versus continuing to play the game. 12:49 min
The 4 laws of behavior change for Starting a Habit
Law 1: Make it Obvious ( Environmental design). 14:11 min
Law 2: Make it Attractive ( Commitment Devices) 14:45 min
Habit Stacking- Habit Stacking1 6:07 m
Law 3: Make it Easy ( Environmental design) 19:39 min
Law 4: Make it Satisfying ( See Progress) 21:21 min
The 4 laws of behavior change for stopping a Habit
Law 1: Make it Invisible ( Environmental design) 23 min
Law 2: Make it UnAttractive ( Bring Future consequences into present) 23:55 min
Law 3: Make it Difficult ( Increase Friction) 24:25 min
Law 4: Make it UnSatisfying ( Outsource Willpower) 25:38 min
Photography class and why you don’t get results. 27 min
Motion Versus Action. 28 min
Further reading 28:45